We specialise in providing advanced process control expertise for flat product rolling mills, delivering this to our customers through a variety of products and services.
Products that we manufacture
Technological Control Systems (TCS) : AVANTI
A real-time process control system configured to the specific mill type, typically including functions such as:
- Automatic Gauge Control (AGC)
- Automatic Flatness Control (AFC)
- HMI & Visualisation Tools
- Production and Performance Data Logging and Analysis

Services that we offer
TCS Installation and Commissioning
- New rolling mills
- Modernisation of existing mills
- Upgrade and replacement of obsolete equipment
Process Service Visits
- Thickness (AGC) & Flatness (AFC) tuning
- Rolling mill process audits
- Rolling mill process consultancy
Service Contracts
- Access to immediate support from our UK office
- Planned regular service visits to your plant
Support for Legacy Rolling Mill Control Systems
- Vantage/VAIONEER
- KS2100
- System 21/System 2

Our experience relates to all mill types
Aluminium, Steel, Copper, Titanium and Other Special Metals
Hot Mills, Cold Mills and Foil Mills
4-Hi, 6-Hi, 10-Hi
Non-Reversing and Reversing
Single Stand and Multi-Stand Tandem